Well Done!
You just tuned up your Earth string!
You have completed the Earth lesson from Retune’s Mental Wellbeing SCALES Curriculum (Sleep, Creative, Active, Listen, Earth, Social).
The Earth string has two meanings. Firstly it is about engaging with the environment around you – both at home and in the wider world. Secondly, Earth is about keeping our feet on the ground and appreciating the simple things, so that we are literally ‘earthed’. Read more here
You have been given a packet of Wildflower seeds. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Sow in Spring for flowers in Summer
2. Clear a small area in the garden where you will plant the seeds
3. Loosen the soil if required and scatter the seeds across the surface
4. Lightly rake the seeds into the soil – don't plant them too deep!
5. Water your seeds
The seeds will grow into UK native wildflowers, including Cornflower, Corn Poppy, Corn Marigold, Corn Chamomile and Corn Cockle.
Enjoy watching bees and butterflies float around your garden. Growing your own Wildflower Meadow will provide an eco-friendly habitat for all kinds of insects, bees, butterflies and birds. Mixes include species from the RHS Plants For Pollinators Wildflower seed list.
By planting the seeds, you are helping the environment, and helping your mental wellbeing too :)
You have completed five out of six lessons in the Retune curriculum. We only have the Social string left to go!
You now know lots of ways to retune your mental health, so that you feel calm and happy.
What can you remember about the Sleep, Creative, Active, Listen and Earth strings?
See you next time.